

  • DO series large-size 3D printers-FDM 3D printer

    DO series large-size 3D printers-FDM 3D printer

    There are three models of DO series large size 3D printers.

    The building dimensions are:





    The building dimension is large, with strong stability and high accuracy. The products are mostly used in industries such as school education, maker creation, cartoon toy figures, industrial parts, consumer electronics and other industries.

  • DO series small size 3D printers-FDM 3D printer

    DO series small size 3D printers-FDM 3D printer

    There are three models of DO series small size 3D printers.

    The building dimensions are:




    Product Features:

    The equipment has strong stability and high accuracy, and the products are mostly used in industries such as home, school, maker smart manufacturing, cartoon toy figures, industrial parts, consumer electronics and so on.

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